Upcoming events.

Workshop on the Ethics and Philosophy of Brain Emulation
to Jan 28

Workshop on the Ethics and Philosophy of Brain Emulation

The aim of the workshop is to bring together philosophers and practitioners, seeing what insights we can gain together on the topic of whole brain emulation (WBE). WBE has moved from pure speculation to a more imminent possibility (with several ongoing roadmapping and research efforts), and we might be able to make good progress on how to do it right.

The workshop is organized by Tim Campbell and Anders Sandberg.

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Mimir reading group

Mimir reading group

The first reading group for 2024 will be first of a two-part series on the Hinge of History Hypothesis. We will be discussing “Are We Living at the Hinge of History?” by William MacAskill, from the anthology Ethics and Existence: The Legacy of Derek Parfit (2022), edited by Jeff McMahan, Tim Campbell, James Goodrich, and Ketan Ramakrishnan.

The Mimir reading group meets every three weeks to discuss academic papers related to the project’s main research topics. The reading group usually takes place on Fridays at 15:00 (CET) at the IFFS office and on Zoom.

Sign up for the reading group here.

Note: The reading group is a pre-read event.

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to Dec 12

Mimir Center launch workshop

This is an academic research workshop to launch the research program of the Mimir Center. We are inviting researchers who work in futures studies, catastrophic risks, and aligned topics, to participate in a 1.5 day workshop at the Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm. The programme will feature research presentations from invited speakers and Center members.

External speakers:
Lara Mani (Centre for the Study of Existential Risk, Cambridge)
Fei Song (Lingnan University & Hong Kong Catastrophic Risk Center)
Daniel Steel (University of British Columbia)
David Thorstad (Vanderbilt University)

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