Executive summaries
IFFS Working Paper Series
Book chapters and journal articles
2024 and forthcoming
Arrhenius, G., Campbell, T. & T. Tännsjö (forthcoming). “The Repugnant Conclusion”, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Asker, A., & K. Jebari. “Saved by the Dark Forest: How a Multitude of Extraterrestrial Civilizations Can Prevent a Hobbesian Trap”, The Monist 107(2), 176-189.
Engström, E. & M. Kolk. “Projecting Environmental Impacts with varying Population, Affluence, and Technology using IPAT – Climate Change and Land Use Scenarios”. The Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 22.
Engström, E., Vartanova, I., Viberg Johansson, J., Persson, M., & P. Strimling. “Comparing and Modeling the Use of Online Recommender Systems”. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 15, 100449.
Jebari, K. “The Ethical Considerations of Pantropy in the Colonization of Mars”, in Garasic, M. D. & Di Paola, M. (eds), The Philosophy of Outer Space. Routledge.
Roussos, J. (forthcoming). “Awareness revision and belief extension”, Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
Stéfansson, H. O. “Identified person 'bias' as decreasing marginal value of chances", Noûs 58(2): 536-561.
Stéfansson, H. O. “How pure risk of harm can itself be a harm", Analysis 84(1): 112-116.
Söderlund, K., Engström, E., Haresamudram, K., Larsson, S. & P. Strimling. “Regulating high-reach AI: On transparency directions in the Digital Services Act”. Internet Policy Review 13(1).
Viberg Johansson, J. & E. Engström. “'Humans think outside the pixels' - Radiologists' perceptions of using artificial intelligence for breast cancer detection in mammography screening in a clinical setting.” Health Informatics Journal Jul-Sep;30(3): 14604582241275020.
Arrhenius, G. & H. O. Stefánsson. “Population ethics under risk”, Social Choice and Welfare.
Campbell, T., Kolk, M. & J. Mosquera. “Future Generations and Universal Procreation Rights”, Journal of Applied Philosophy.
Cassidy, M., Mani, L. & A. Sandberg. “The Ethics of Volcano Engineering”, Earth’s Future, 11(10).
Engström, E. & M. Kolk. “Projecting Environmental Impacts with varying Population, Affluence, and Technology using IPAT – Climate Change and Land Use Scenarios”, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research.
Jebari, K. “Individuell klimatpåverkan och individens ansvar”, Tidsskrift för politisk filosofi, 27(1)
Jebari, K. & M. Furendal. “The Future of Work: Augmentation or Stunting?”, Philosophy & Technology, 36(2).
Naqavi, F., Engström, E. & J. Franklin. “Green Vehicles’ Responses to an Expiring Congestion Toll Exemption: Findings from a Natural Experiment in Stockholm, Sweden”, Findings.
Nebel, J. M. & H. O. Stefánsson. “Calibration dilemmas in the ethics of distribution”, Economics and Philosophy, 39(1), 67-98.
Sandberg, A. “The lifespan of civilizations: do societies “age”, or is collapse just bad luck?” in Centeno, M., Callahan, P., Larcey, P. & Patterson, T. (red.). How Worlds Collapse. Routledge, 375-396.
Steele, K. & H. O. Stefánsson. Beyond Uncertainty: Reasoning with Unknown Possibilities, Cambridge University Press.
Stefánsson, H. O. “Identified person “bias” as decreasing marginal value of chances”, Noûs, 58(2), 536-561.
Stefánsson, H. O. “Planetär ingenjörskonst och katastrofrisker”, Tidsskrift för Politisk Filosofi, 27(1).
Fisher, L. & A. Sandberg. “A safe governance space for humanity: necessary conditions for the governance of global catastrophic risks”, Global Policy, 13(5), 792-807.
Jebari, K. & A. Sandberg. “Ecocentrism and Biosphere Life Extension”, Science and Engineering Ethics, 28(6), 46.
Kolk, M. & K. Jebari. “Sex Selection for Daughters: Demographic Consequences of Female-Biased Sex Ratios”, Population Research and Policy Review, 41(4).
Roussos, J. “Modelling in normative ethics”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25, 865-889.
Steele, K. & H.O. Stefánsson. “Belief Revision for Growing Awareness”, Mind, 130(520), 1207-1232.
Working papers
Campbell, T. & P. Kaczmarek. “Improving Lives and Avoiding Harm”.
Engström, E. & K. Jebari. “Paths to Sustainable Food in 2100: How far can technology take us?”, in Sustainable Populations in the Time of Climate Change. Institute for Futures Studies, 34-51.
Jebari, K. & E. Engström. “Backcasting the Future of Food: A Technology-Oriented Path to Sustainable Production in 2100”, Institute for Futures Studies. Working paper 2024:10.
Andersson, E., Arrhenius, G. & T. Campbell. "Scanlonian Contractualism and Future Generations", Institute for Future Studies. Working Paper 2023:11, 193-206.
Bykvist, K. & J. Roussos. "A plea for modelling in ethics".
Bykvist, K. & T. Campbell. "Frick's Account of the Procreation Asymmetry".
Engström, E. & M. Kolk. “Projecting Environmental Impacts with Varying Population, Affluence, and Technology using IPAT – Climate Change and Land Use Scenarios”, Stockholm Research Reports in Demography, 2023:11.
Engström, E. & P. Strimling. “Comparing Factors Driving Adoption Intentions for Eight AI innovations”.
Jebari, K. & J. Mosquera. "Animal Population Ethics in the Space: The Risks of Extraplanetary Exploration".
Jebari, K. & J. Roussos. "Can longtermists avoid cluelessness?".
Mosquera, J. "Climate Change, Corrective Justice, and Animals", Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations. Working paper series 2021:11-23.
Roussos, J. "Belief extension for growing awareness".
Tim Campbell & Patrick Kaczmarek. "The Parent Trap: Why Actualism Fails to Deliver the Asymmetry".
Yang, V. C. & A. Sandberg (2022). “Collective Intelligence as Infrastructure for Reducing Broad Global Catastrophic Risks”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.03300.