Joe Roussos
Joe Roussos is Mimir’s PI. He is a researcher in philosophy, whose work spans decision theory, social epistemology and philosophy of science.
At Mimir, he works on how longterm decisions are affected by great uncertainty and how climate science manages uncertainty. Joe also leads the project Expertise in crises at IFFS, which studies the role of experts as advisers during crises like the Covid-19 pandemic.
Joe received his PhD from the London School of Economics, with a thesis titled Policymaking under scientific uncertainty. His work has been published in Philosophy of Science, WIREs Climate Change, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, and The LSE Public Policy Review.
Selection of publications
Roussos, J. (2022) “Modelling in normative ethics”, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25, 865-889.
Roussos, J. (2021) “Awareness growth and belief revision”, in Roussos, J. and P. Bowman (eds.), Studies on Climate Ethics and Future Generations Vol. III, Working Papers 2021:1-10, Stockholm: Institute for Futures Studies.