Managing the Polycrisis

Humanity is facing several serious risks in different global systems, including economic systems, systems of health, energy, international security, and the environment. Because these systems are so densely interconnected, a crisis in one system may enable, amplify, and in other ways interact with crises in other systems. This potential cascade of effects is captured by the concept of polycrisis; “the causal entanglement of crises in multiple global systems in ways that significantly degrade humanity's prospects” (Lawrence et al, 2024).

The Mimir Center is developing a didactic board game that illustrates the dynamics of polycrises and global crisis management. Players step into the role of regional crisis managers, and must collaborate (with limited means of communication) to manage different types of emergencies from taking hold and spreading to other regions and systems.

The game is designed to be played in workshops, followed by discussions. We hold recurring playtests in Stockholm and are always looking for participants. If you would be interested in playtesting our game, get in touch!


H. Orri Stefánsson: "How many lives can be sacrificed for the comfort of some?"


Report from the Workshop on Animals, Space, and Long-Term Well-Being (18 June 2024)